Healthy Living with Healthy Choices
Life and Food are Meant to Be Enjoyed and Respected
Why I Started
For so many years, I struggled with my weight after being a thin child and young adult. It was frustrating and embarrassing. Knowing that there had to be answers to these struggles, I have embarked on the mission of becoming a Certified Nutritionist. Once I have my certification, I will be sharing that knowledge of health and weight management with others. In the meantime, I'm here to encourage you with the knowledge that I already have, and I'm here to share with you my own struggles as we work on our goals together. It is a passion. It is a privilege. It is AMAZING!

My Own Health Journey
Anyone that knew me growing up knew me as "skinny jenny." Sure, I was remembered as other things and for other accomplishments, but that was a big identifier. I was naturally thin growing up. And then adulthood happened and that was in no longer a way to describe me. You see, I started gaining. And gaining. And gaining.
I then began struggling with my weight for more years than I had enjoyed not knowing the struggle. And what was worse, it was not only affecting my self-esteem, but also my health. Blood pressure went up. Headaches were common. Snoring and poor sleep became a constant issue.
After trying various programs, I realized that I had a passion to learn how to use the whole foods that the Lord has provided as a means to have a healthy weight, a healthy lifestyle, and probably the most important - a healthy relationship with food.
As I study to become a Certified Nutritionist, I am sharing my struggles and working with my clients and friends as we strive to reach our goals together. Once Certified, I look forward to reaching even more people that have these same struggles and give them the freedom to enjoy their new choices and new lifestyle!
Love Your Choices AND Your Food

I Can't Wait to Have the Opportunity to Coach You!
Are you ready to experience this gift that was shared with me? Are you ready to feel better and get that confidence back up? Are you ready to make your health a priority? Then let's do this together!